Single motherhood and overcoming single mom struggles is not the easiest thing, but taking a positive mindset certainly makes it easier. Many women keep their heads high during this time because they know that it’s only temporary, especially if they are going through a divorce or abandoned by their children’s fathers. Being strong helps people get over difficulties quicker, making it easier to manage to be a single mom without having to worry about being a stay-at-home mom or worrying that your children will grow up without a father figure.
The top single mom struggles are listed below, with some tips on how to overcome them:
1. Financial stress
Not having the right amount of money for necessities such as food and clothing can cause immense strain on a family, especially when only one person does all the providing. The best thing for struggling single moms is to prioritize what they need versus what they want and stay within their means. Don’t be too proud or stubborn to accept help from others if they offer it; nobody knows your particular situation better than you.
2. Time stress
When you’re a single mom to many kids, it’s hard to find time for yourself, let alone a date night with a partner or friend. Make daily “me time” a top priority and set the example for your children. Let them know that Mommy needs to take care of herself by going to bed early or having some deep breaths in between chores. Letting your children see their mother take care of herself will teach them healthy habits from an early age.
3. Social isolation
Single mothers often get tied up with their household duties and get overwhelmed when they have friends over to visit. Make it a habit to have at least one weekly social event planned to look forward to and invite friends and family over regularly. If you can’t find any babysitters, let your children come along. It will be good for them to meet new people and see that their mother is respected among her peers.
4. Lack of Support
Being a single mother is hard enough these days, so having the support of other individuals can make life all around easier for everyone involved, including the dependents of that single mother. Since many mothers are doing this alone, without any help from another individual or even family members because they don’t have time to give them, it might be necessary to put out feelers to get assistance.
5. Career stress
Part-time jobs are great if you’re trying to reenter the workforce, but full-time careers can suffer when single moms try to manage everything on top of it (i.e., if their partner isn’t helping out). Make it a top priority for your partner to contribute equally. Also, don’t be afraid to give up certain activities or friendships if they prove too draining; no one ever said being a single mom was easy.
6. Time management
Single mothers often lack time management skills because they’re trying their best to keep up with their household responsibilities. Please make an effort to train yourself in proper time management by recording how much time you spend doing certain tasks each week and comparing it against other mothers’ numbers.
7. Acceptance:
A single mom’s top struggle is accepting that she can’t do certain things by herself anymore if it ever even happened. She used to have someone there to help her with simple everyday tasks, and now, she has no one. It can be challenging for single mothers to accept this, but they talk themselves through their difficult situations and come out stronger on the other side. For example, a woman who used to be able to take care of her errands might not be able to anymore because that would take away from the time she could spend with her children, making it even more difficult for her because she can’t do her errands while the kids are in school.
8. Involvement
Mothers need involvement from their children’s fathers when they are no longer together, and it might not always happen when it should. Some women will try everything in the book when it comes to working things out with their ex to keep an active role in their child’s life. Things might get messy when it comes to involving your children’s father in any aspect of your single mom’s life, but, again, these are top struggles that all single moms need to face head-on. Get yourself prepared for visitation rights by signing ironclad custody agreements that are clear on both parents’ expectations of each other. It’s okay if you have differing opinions about what is best for your child; make sure that your decisions aren’t impulsive and benefit the child.
9. Raising self-esteem
Feeling like single moms do everything themselves, and it’s so difficult to be a good role model for your children while doing it. Make a top priority to set good examples by practicing self-care. Your children learn from watching you; make sure that you’re the best person possible.
10. Understanding your kids
Single mothers often misunderstand their children because they work full time, have limited communication with exes, and don’t feel like they can trust anyone else. Make a top priority to become a better listener by taking an interest in all of your child/children’s activities and talking openly about feelings. It will help them open up more if they know their mother is safe to share their thoughts and feelings.
For many single moms, the day-to-day is a struggle. From finances to balancing work with family life, it’s not always easy being a mom on your own. But if you can learn how to overcome these common struggles that most single mothers deal with at some point or another, then you will be well on your way towards feeling more confident and less overwhelmed as time goes by. If any of this resonates with you in particular, do yourself a favor and take action now. You deserve better than what society has often told us about the realities of being a working mother or raising children alone. You can overcome the single moms struggles. It’s not easy, but with some determination and perseverance, you will be able to get through it.
How do you overcome single mom struggles? Comment below to share with our readers!
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